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The configuration file uses an INI style syntax for properties. Any lines that begin with a semi-colon are treated as comments and ignored.

	globalproperty1 = globalvalue1
	globalproperty2 = globalvalue2

	section1property1 = section1value1

	section2property1 = section2value1

Configured Objects

Each INI section represents an Object that is loaded by the application. The section name is used as an object name

The type property in a section determines what type of object this section will be loaded as. The properties that each object requires differ, and are defined elsewhere on this page.

The properties in this discussion refers to configuration of objects such as listeners and receivers. This is not to be confused with the configuration of properties for products , such as the "magnitude-type" property of the origin product.

Configured Object Example

	listeners = listener1, listener2, listener3


	type = gov.usgs.earthquake.distribution.ExternalNotificationListener
	command = /path/to/executable
	storage = storageX

	type = gov.usgs.earthquake.distribution.FileProductStorage
	directory = /path/to/storage/directory

When ProductClient.jar is run with the --receive argument, it checks for the global property listeners . It finds the name listener1 in the list of listeners, and next looks for a matching configuration section named listener1 .

It finds the section listener1 , sees it is an ExternalNotificationListener, and continues loading. The ExternalNotificationListener type of object requires a command property, which is the path to a executable program to run, and a storage property which refers to another configuration object.

In this case, the storage property refers to a configuration object named storageX . The loading process finds the section storageX , sees it is a FileProductStorage, and continues loading. The FileProductStorage requires a directory property, which is a filesystem path to a directory.

At this point, the listener listener1 has been loaded, and the application loads any other configured objects before running.

Product Client Configuration

By default the product client tries to load the user configuration from a file named 'config.ini' in the current working directory. You can override this default user configuration location using the "--configFile=<configFile>" argument.

Once again, product client configurations are not to be confused with the properties of products, which is a different subject altogether.

Global Properties

A directory where log files are created. The default value is "log". Log files rotate once per day and are named "ProductClient_YYYYMMDD.log".
NOTE: this replaces the "logfile" property.
format for logs. Possible values are "pdl" (default), "simple", and "xml".
How verbose of logging. Default is INFO. Possible values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST.
(Optional, default = false) Whether to append UTC timestamps to the beginning of each log entry.
Whether to redirect console output (STDOUT, STDERR) to the log file. Default is false.
A comma delimited list of section names to load as senders. Items in this list must implement the ProductSender interface. This property is used with the --send command line argument of ProductClient.jar
A comma delimited list of section names to load as receivers. Items in this list must implement the NotificationReceiver interface. This property is used with the --receive command line argument of ProductClient.jar
Listeners are used by Hubs and Clients. A comma delimited list of section names to load as listeners. Items in this list must implement the NotificationListener interface. This property is used with the --receive command line argument of ProductClient.jar
Whether or not to enable zabbix monitoring. Default is disabled (false). Zabbix monitoring is no longer supported.

We now recommend configuring a HeartbeatListener, and using an external monitoring script

Override the default port (10052) when using zabbix monitoring.

Distribution Components


Listeners are used by Hubs and Clients

(Optional) A comma delimited list of product types to process. When present, only types in this list are processed.
(Optional) A comma delmited list of product types NOT to process. When present, types in this list are NOT processed.
(Optional) A comma separated list of product types to include. If this list is defined it constitutes an "allow" list, and only types in this list are allowed.
(Optional) A comma separated list of product types to exclude. If this list is defined it constitutes a "block" list, and types in this list are not allowed.
(Optional, Default 1) Number of times to attempt delivery of each notification, if the listener throws a ContinuableListenerException during onNotification(). A value <= 1 means do not re-attempt.
(Optional, Default 0) Number of milliseconds before thread running onNotification() is interrupted. A value <= 0 means never interrupt.
(Optional, Default 300000) Number of milliseconds to wait before attempting redelivery of a notification after a listener throws a ContinuableListenerException during onNotification(). A value < = 0 means no delay. Used with maxTries.
(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate scenario products should be accepted. Set to “true” or “yes” to enable.
(Optional, Default true) Flag to indicate actual products should be accepted. Set to “false” or “no” to disable.
(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate test products should be accepted. Set to “true” or “yes” to enable.
(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate internal products should be accepted. Set to “true” or “yes” to enable.
(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate development products should be accepted. Set to “true” or “yes” to enable.
Name of a configured NotificationIndex object.

Alternatively, a property listenerIndexFile may be used to create a SQLite JDBCNotificationIndex without further configuration. This should not be used when the index is shared.

NOTE: this property does not filter product downloads, only product processing. A comma separated list of content paths to include. Only products with a content path in this list will be processed.
NOTE: this property does not filter product downloads, only product processing. A comma separated list of content paths to exclude. Products with a content path in this list will not be processed.
(Optional, Default 1) how many products to process concurrently. NOTE: This may cause products to be processed out of order. External scripts will be executed concurrently, and need to be prepared to handle concurrent executions. Use with caution.

Listener Types

This represents a command/process to run each time a product is received.
Name of a configured ProductStorage. Generally, a ProductStorage should not be shared between a receiver and listener. Products are extracted into this storage before executing command, with a --directory argument representing the stored location.

Alternatively, a property storageDirectory may be used to create a FileProductStorage without further configuration.

A path to an executable file and arguments
(Optional, default=100000) Timeout in milliseconds for an execution of command. If command doesn't finish executing within the timeout, the process is terminated. When timeout is set to zero (0), commands are never terminated.
Stores products using a URL Product Storage, and sends EIDS notifications with links to the products.
Name of a configured NotificationIndex. Generally, a NotificationIndex should not be shared by multiple EIDSNotificationSenders unless they are sending different types of products that do not overlap.

Alternatively, a property listenerIndexFile may be used to create a SQLite JDBCNotificationIndex without further configuration. This should not be use when the index is shared.

Name of a configured URLProductStorage.
(Optional, default=3600000=1 hour) Maximum time in milliseconds for products to be kept before automatic cleanup.
(Optional, default=3600000=1 hour) How often, in milliseconds, for automatic cleanup to run. When interval is set to zero (0), no automatic cleanup is run.
EIDS server hostname, used to attempt sending notifications to EIDS via CORBA.
EIDS server port, used to attempt sending notifications to EIDS via CORBA
(Optional, default=polldir) EIDS server polldir, notifications are output as files when unable to send via CORBA.
Forward any received products to another ProductSender.
(Optional, default "socket"). When set to aws configure RelayProductListener using AwsProductSender. Otherwise (default), configure using SocketProductSender.
See Indexer Configuration
Collects status information from various components in one client installation, and writes it to a file whenever a heartbeat product is received.

The primary purpose of this listener is monitoring. Products are usually event driven, and at times are far apart. Each PDL hub will generally send a heartbeat product every 5 minutes, so there is a steady flow of information and problems can be detected early.

(Optional, default=heartbeat.dat) File where heartbeat information is written. The file contents are a JSON object. The object keys correspond to configuration file section names, and values are objects with one or more statuses that are timestamped.
(Optional, default=0) Milliseconds. When zero, disables automatic removal of status information (which is not usually needed). Used in combination with cleanupInterval to remove old heartbeat status information after timeout.
A listener that listens for a specific content path.

This is intended for users who wish to output specific pieces of product content, such as "quakeml.xml", for products that otherwise meet their configured NotificationListener criteria.

Comma separate list of content paths to output when received. (reuses DefaultNotificationListener property).
Directory where content is output.
(Optional, default=system temp dir) Directory where content is written before being moved to outputDirectory
(Optional, default=SOURCE_TYPE_CODE_UPDATETIME_PATH) Format for generated filenames in output directory. This format string is filled in with these attributes using string replacement:
Product Source
Product Type
Product Code
Product Update Time
Content Path


Receivers are used by Hubs and Clients.

Name of a configured NotificationIndex. Generally one NotificationIndex may be shared by all receivers. If a NotificationIndex is shared, the ProductStorage must also be shared.

Alternatively, a property indexFile may be used to create a SQLite JDBCNotificationIndex without further configuration. This should not be use when the index is shared.

Name of a configured ProductStorage. Generally one ProductStorage may be shared by all receivers. If a ProductStorage is shared, the NotificationIndex must also be shared.

Alternatively, a property storageDirectory may be used to create a FileProductStorage without further configuration. This should not be used when the storage is sharted.

How long to store products in milliseconds. Default is 300000 milliseconds = 5 minutes.
How often to check for products older than storageage milliseconds. Default is 300000 milliseconds = 5 minutes.
Number of milliseconds allowed before connection attempts timeout, when downloading products.
Number of milliseconds allowed before read attempts timeout, when downloading products. And, for SocketProductReceiver, when accepting products via socket.
(default) Executor uses one queue per listener and notifications are processed in the order they are received.
Based on Executor notifier but uses Futures to implement timeouts. May reduce thread usage.
Round robin uses one queue per listener for each product source+type and takes one product from the front of each queue. This prevents a bulk sender from slowing processing of other products.

Receiver Types
Receive products from an AWS PDL Hub. NOTE: recommend using URLProductStorage configured with "json" format for best performance, as only metadata is downloaded. Resulting json files contain URLs where contents can be downloaded as needed.
Base URL for hub. e.g. wss://
Name of a configured ProductsCreatedAfterClient.
(Optional, default 5) Number to attempts to connect before pausing
(Optional, default 1000ms) timeout for each connect attempt.
(Optional, default 7.0 days, max 30.0) how far back in time to start when connecting to server. subsequent attempts start at current position.
This is used primarily by clients to receive notifications from EIDS.
The IP address or hostname where an EIDS Server with notifications is running.
The port where an EIDS Server with notifications is running.
(Optional) A comma separated list of host:port that should be used as alternate servers when serverHost is unreachable.
(Optional) A decimal number of days for the client to load from the past. Defaults to 3.0 (three days).
This is used primarily by hubs to receive products directly.
(Optional) Default is 11235. The port used to accept connections.
(Optional) Default is -1. When greater than zero, limit incoming products to this many bytes. NOTE: this limit is based on the number of bytes transferred instead of actual product content bytes, and also applies to any metadata or formatoverhead.
(Optional) Default is 10. The size of the thread pool used to process accepted connections. Connections beyond this number are queued and processed in the order they are accepted.


Senders are used by Product Creators to send a product to a Hub.
Base URL for hub send api.
(Optional) Millisecond timeout to establish a connections to remote host. Default: 5000
(Optional) key used to sign products before they are sent. Default: No key is configured, products can not be signed.
(Optional) Millisecond timeout to wait for established connections to complete. Default: 30000
(Optional, default false) whether to sign products before they are sent

This is mainly useful when using relay product sender, to re-sign products before sending to another hub that does not trust the original sender's key or uses a different signature version. Otherwise the key and signatures can be configured directly in CLIProductBuilder or EIDSInputWedge when products are created.


See Sending products for suggestions on configuring compression and format settings

The IP address or hostname where a SocketProductReceiver is listening.
The port where a SocketProductReceiver is listening.
(Optional) Default is 15000. Milliseconds to wait for a connection to succeed.
(Optional) Default is 15000. Milliseconds to wait for data before timing out.
(Optional) Default is -1. Milliseconds to wait between writes before timing out.

NOTE: Java does not natively support write timeouts for sockets in blocking mode. This option uses a separate thread to monitor socket writes, and closes the socket if a write does not occur within this time.

(Optional) Default is false. Send products using binary format (true) or xml format (false). Binary format avoids base64 encoding overhead, and reduces bytes tranferred by ~25%.
(Optional) Default is true. Enable deflate compression during transfer (true) or disable (false). Deflate compression can reduce content size by 90+%, but is also CPU intensive.
(Optional) Default is 1 (best speed). Only used when enableDeflate = true. A number between 1 (best speed) and 9 (best compression). -1 lets the library decide the best level, but currently implies 6.


Storage is used by Hubs and Clients to store received products.

The directory where products are stored. Default is "storage".
Whether or not to verify signatures when storing products. Should be one of:
(Default) Do not verify signatures
Check signatures, but do not reject products with invalid signatures.
<anything else>
Verify signatures, and reject products with invalid signatures.
Used when verifying signatures. A comma delimited list of sections to load as ProductKeys.
An alternative to keychain where keychain is managed in a separate config file. File should contain a global (before any sections) property named "keychain", which is a comma separated list of sections to load as ProductKeys.
Comma-separated list of StorageListeners to notify when a product is added to or removed from the storage.
A flag indicating if the generated directory structure for a product should use a simple hash of the product. Setting this to “true” will help on ext3 file systems. Default ”false”
Optional. Comma separated list of "legacy" ProductStorages. Used when making incompatible changes to an existing storage. ProductStorages in this list are used when the primary storage (i.e. that has the legacyStorages property configured) does not contain a product, and are only used to access or remove products; never store newly added products.

A URLProductStorage is configured just like a FileProductStorage, with the following additional property

A fully qualified (including http://) base url corresponding to directory .

To map a directory onto a url in Apache, use an Alias.

bin, json, or xml (default).
Path with placeholders that are replace for product being stored.

Default: {source}_{type}_{code}_{updateTime}.{format}.

Product source
Product type
Product code
Product update time as milliseconds
Format abbreviation "bin", "json", or "xml"

A JsonProductStorage stores Json product metadata in a database, instead of the filesystem, and works best with an AwsProductReceiver.

JDBC Driver class for connection. (Optional, default org.sqlite.JDBC)
Database table name. (Optional, default product)
JDBC Connection URL. (Optional, default jdbc:sqlite:json_product_index.db)
Whether or not to verify signatures when storing products. Should be one of:
(Default) Do not verify signatures
Check signatures, but do not reject products with invalid signatures.
<anything else>
Verify signatures, and reject products with invalid signatures.
Used when verifying signatures. A comma delimited list of sections to load as ProductKeys.
An alternative to keychain where keychain is managed in a separate config file. File should contain a global (before any sections) property named "keychain", which is a comma separated list of sections to load as ProductKeys.

The JsonProductStorage schema can be created automatically when using Sqlite. For mysql or other databases, it is recommended to create the schema separately and run with a user with only SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE, and DELETE permissions.

 , source VARCHAR(255)
 , type VARCHAR(255)
 , code VARCHAR(255)
 , updatetime BIGINT
 , data LONGTEXT
 , UNIQUE KEY product_index (source, type, code, updatetime)
 ) ENGINE=innodb CHARSET=utf8;


Listeners are notified when products are added-to, or removed from the ProductStorage.

Provides simple dispatch functionality to allow sub-classes to listen optionally to only onProductStored or onProductRemoved if desired.
A replication storage listener that will replicate the local ProductStorage to a directory on a remote server. Note, this listener will only respond to notifications from a gov.usgs.earthquake.distribution.ProductFileStorage.
“true” or “false” Flag indicating if the replication should be done using the archive flag on the replication command.
The name of the replication command to use. (Generally “rsync”). Should use the fully-qualified path name.
Integer. Number of times to try the sync if it fails.
Integer. How long to wait (in milliseconds) before assuming the replication process is hung.
Comma-separated list of target hosts to which the storage should be replicated. Format for this value is “user@host:path”. Care should be taken when setting this value. The remote user must have a public key set up on the remote host. The remote path must already exist.


Keys are used to verify signed products, and more specifically by FileProductStorage.

An OpenSSH format public key (similar to .ssh/authorized_keys).
A comma delimited list of product types for which this key is valid. Default = all.
A comma delimited list of product sources for which this key is valid. Default = all.

Indexer Components


The indexer is a specialized NotificationListener that associates related products into events.

Builds and index of received products. Associates groups of related products into events.
Name of a configured Associator.
A comma delimited list of configured ArchivePolicy objects.
Interval, in milliseconds, between executing archive policies.
Name of a configured ProductStorage.

Alternatively, a property storageDirectory may be used to create a FileProductStorage without further configuration.

Name of a configured gov.usgs.earthquake.indexer.ProductIndex.

Alternatively, a property indexFile may be used to create a SQLite JDBCNotificationIndex without further configuration.

A comma delimited list of configured IndexerModule .
A comma delimited list of configured IndexerListener
(Default regions.json). Path to store cache of ANSS Authoritative Regions, downloaded from Geoserve.
(Default false). Whether or not to listen for searches using a socket.
(Default 11236) Which port to bind to listen for searches. Only used when enableSearch=true.
(Default 5) How large a thread pool to use for searches. 1 thread is used for each connection, so 5 allows 5 concurrent searches.
(Default false) Only consider "current" versions of products when associating new products to events. This improves association performance for events with many products.
(Optional, Default = "{type}") URL for Geoserve Layers Service.


An archive policy is used to generate a ProductIndexQuery . The query is then used to search the ProductIndex . Products and/or events that are returned using this query are archived (generally meaning removed) from the index.

Archive events in the index based on their preferred properties. All associated products are also archived when an event is archived.
minAge Deprecated See: minEventAge
Age in milliseconds. Products younger than (occurring since) this time will match the generated product index query. (You generally don't want to set this parameter).
maxAge Deprecated See: maxEventAge
Age in milliseconds. Products older than (occurring before) this time will match the generated product index query.
Event age in milliseconds. Events older than (occurring before) this time will match the generated product index query. If both the minEventAge and maxEventTime are specified, the minEventAge is ignored and the maxEventTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?
Event age in milliseconds. Events newer than (occurring since) this time will match the generated product index query. (You generally do not want to set this parameter without a corresponding minEventAge). If both the maxEventAge and minEventTime are specified, the maxEventAge is ignored and the minEventTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?
Event time in milliseconds. Events occurring after this time will match the generated product index query. (You generally do not want to set this parameter without a corresponding maxEventTime). If both the maxEventAge and minEventTime are specified, the maxEventAge is ignored and the minEventTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time? .

minEventTime can also be configured using ISO8601 formatted dates, e.g. 2012-12-11T01:02:03.123Z

Event time in milliseconds. Events occurring before this time will match the generated product index query. If both the minEventAge and maxEventTime are specified, the minEventAge is ignored and the maxEventTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?

maxEventTime can also be configured using ISO8601 formatted dates, e.g. 2012-12-11T01:02:03.123Z

Decimal depth value in kilometers. Positive values indicate positions below the earth's surface. Products with depth greater (deeper) than this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal depth value in kilometers. Positive values indicate positions below the earth's surface. Products with depth less (shallower) than this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal degrees minimum product latitude. Products with latitude north of this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal degrees maximum product latitude. Products with latitude south of this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal degrees minimum product longitude. Products with latitude east of this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal degrees maximum product longitude. Products with latitude west of this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal value for minimum magnitude. Products with magnitude greater than this value will match the generated product index query.
Decimal value for maximum magnitude. Products with magnitude less than this value will match the generated product index query.
The preferred source of the event to archive. When omitted all sources are included.
Archive products in the index based on their properties. Any properties from regular ArchivePolicy may be used, and at least one must be used. When they don't seem meaningful it is recommended to use "maxAge=1".
Product age in milliseconds; computed using product update time. Products older (occurring before) this time will match the generated product index query. If both the minProductAge and maxProductTime are specified, the minProductAge is ignored and the maxProductTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?
Product age in milliseconds; computed using product update time. Products newer (occurring since) this time will match the generated product index query. You generally do not want to specify this parameter without also specifying a corresponding minProductAge. If both the maxProductAge and minProductTime are specified, the maxProductAge is ignored and the minProductTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?
Product update time in milliseconds. Products updated after this time will match the generated product index query. You generally do not want to specify this parameter without also specifying a corresponding maxProductTime. If both the maxProductAge and minProductTime are specified, the maxProductAge is ignored and the minProductTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?

minProductTime can also be configured using ISO8601 formatted dates, e.g. 2012-12-11T01:02:03.123Z

Product update time in milliseconds. Products updated before this time will match the generated product index query. If both the minProductAge and maxProductTime are specified, the minProductAge is ignored and the maxProductTime is used. What’s the difference between Age and Time?

maxProductTime can also be configured using ISO8601 formatted dates, e.g. 2012-12-11T01:02:03.123Z

The type of product to archive. When omitted all types are included.
The source of product to archive. When omitted all sources are included.
Only remove superseded versions of products. When omitted all versions are included.
Only remove products not associated to an event.
Only remove products whose status matches this status.



Uses the commandLine API to execute an external command when the index is updated. Provides additional arguments that describe how products are related to events in the index.

Supports the same configuration parameters as ExternalNotificationListener, and in addition:

(Optional, default=false) Whether to ignore non-preferred products. All unassociated products are considered preferred, and may be filtered separately using processUnassociated.
(Optional, default=true) Whether to ignore unassociated products. Products that are currently unassociated may later be associated as other information arrives.
(Optional, default=false) Whether to ignore updates that do not change an events preferred location (time, latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude).
(Optional, Default = true) Whether or not to ignore EVENT_ARCHIVED and PRODUCT_ARCHIVED indexer events. Value values are "true" and "false".
(Optional, Default = true) Whether or not to remove products from the configured ProductStorage in response to indexer PRODUCT_ARCHIVED and EVENT_ARCHIVED events. This is independent of ignoreArchive configuration.


Automatically configured, and implements ANSS Authoritative region weights. All other modules extend this class and can use these options:
Comma separate list of regions to ignore.
Products from sources in this list ignore authorative regions, and instead default to preferred weight 1.
Provides support for shakemap type products. There are no specific configuration parameters for this module.
Provides support for moment-tensor and adjusts the weight of a given product. There are no specific configuration parameters for this module.


The filename to use for a SQLite database. If the file does not exist, one is created. Only required if the driver parameter is set to the default value "org.sqlite.JDBC".
The JDBC database driver class to use. This allows the JDBCProductIndex to use any type of relational database, provided a suitable driver is available. Default value is "org.sqlite.JDBC". For a MySQL database, you should use "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver". See Configuring ProductIndex to Use MySQL.
JDBC connection URL. Usually, this url is prefixed with the database type and includes a host, schema to use, username and password. For example to connect to a MySQL database called "productIndex" on localhost with username "foo" and password "bar", the URL would look like: "jdbc:mysql://". This parameter is ignored for SQLite databases.